March PPLC Meeting 3:30pm on March 2nd

Professional Personnel Leadership Committee Agenda

John Hancock College Prep High School

March 2, 2021


Meeting ID

Phone Numbers

(‪US‬)‪+1 617-675-4444‬

PIN: ‪741 030 612 5394#


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call 
  3. Approval of Agenda:
  1. Upcoming Professional Development suggestions
  2. Vacancy process
  3. Feedback from departments on No Homework during breaks (Survey)
  1. Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting 
  2. Announcements
  3. Review of Action Item List from Previous Meeting
  4. Committee Reports 
  • Old Business 

(How many AP classes? How many Dual Language classes?)

(LGBTQ and other State of Illinois curriculum mandates) 

  • New Business
  1. Discussion/Approval of Next Month's Agenda 
  2. Announcement Date of Next Meeting 
  3. Adjourn 




Vanessa Puentes


Froylan Jimenez


George Schmidt


Katherine Donalek


Jennifer Dowd


Natalie Garfield


Andy Jarmoc


Andrew Martinek


Erin Neidt