A student is considered eligible for the start of the upcoming semester upon earning 2.0 credits (or passing 4 major classes) during the previous semester and maintaining a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A.
During the semester, weekly grade checks will be conducted in which students must be passing 2.0 credit hours (4 major classes), or they will be ruled ineligible for the subsequent week.
If a student does not have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 but has earned the mandatory 2.0 credit hours, the student will be ruled eligible upon submission of an Individual Study Plan (ISP) detailing his/her effort through tutoring, study halls, etc. to improve grades and raise the GPA during the semester. ISP forms are available from the Athletic Director.
Incoming freshmen are automatically eligible to participate in Fall Sports. Credits earned during summer school may be applied to the spring semester report card to insure athletic eligibility for the fall semester of the next year.
During the semester, weekly grade checks will be conducted in which students must be passing 2.0 credit hours (4 major classes), or they will be ruled ineligible for the subsequent week.
If a student does not have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 but has earned the mandatory 2.0 credit hours, the student will be ruled eligible upon submission of an Individual Study Plan (ISP) detailing his/her effort through tutoring, study halls, etc. to improve grades and raise the GPA during the semester. ISP forms are available from the Athletic Director.
Incoming freshmen are automatically eligible to participate in Fall Sports. Credits earned during summer school may be applied to the spring semester report card to insure athletic eligibility for the fall semester of the next year.
Ramirez, Miguel (Mike)
Athletic Director, Registrar, STLS Liaison, Diabetes Delegate and Notary Public
Athletic Director, Registrar, STLS Liaison, Diabetes Delegate and Notary Public
Phone: 773-535-2410 ext. 25338
Fax: 773-535-2434
Room #: MO
I have a degree in Electronics from ITT.
Fax: 773-535-2434
Room #: MO
I have a degree in Electronics from ITT.